Monday, April 11, 2011

Remembering the terrible bootleg drinks of the 20's.

       The company claims they've been making spirits since 1929. I'm putting my bets down that this is bathtub gin in its original recipe. But hey, at least the bottle is cool.

     We've had more fun playing with the bottle than we did drinking the vodka, and that's a shame.

Price: Roughly $15. For comparison, most bad vodkas are $10, and letting a bag of potatoes rot in your tub is roughly $5.
Warm: I can not, in good conscience, advise drinking any vodka warm. That's just tomfoolery. This one burns in a bad way and tastes like Taaka.
Chilled: Chilling the drink helps. The taste and burn are that of any other cheap vodka, though it is slightly smoother than the bottom shelf options.
Mixed: This one mixes fairly well. I wouldn't recommend making a vodka martini with it, but cosmos and vodka screwdrivers aren't terrible concoctions when using Tommy Guns.
Rated: 4
      Did I mention that the bottle is cool? It totally is. I'm thinking about ripping the labels off of my bottle and filling it with some gray liquid. Otherwise, if you're getting a vodka at this price range you may as well go with Skyy.

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